
Stay Wise, Stay Calm, and Look Ahead

If you are anything like me, and your someone who loves to travel, who loves the freedom of being able to go almost anywhere and who sees the world as a beautiful place to be explored — this is likely a time of some discomfort and uncertainty.

It is, of course, good to be wise. It’s smart to listen to experts and make necessary preparations.


Many of us are having to adjust our businesses, our budgets, our schedules 

and for many of us, that might include huge changes to vacations, destination weddings, honeymoons, reunions, and other getaways we’ve been looking forward to for months.

I want to say that I’m sincerely sorry for the upheavals. I’m feeling them, too.

And I also want to say: there is hope, and there is so much great stuff to look forward to.

There will be a time when this uncertainty will be resolved and the fear will lift.

While we’re doing our part to keep ourselves and our communities healthy — practicing social distancing, being conscientious about washing our hands, staying home, not touching our faces — we can also experience the excitement and joy of making future plans.

Four quick things to know about travel in the coming months:

  1. Many airlines are waiving change fees on all tickets booked for summer travel.
  2. Amazing destinations are offering refundable packages, special offers, and extra freebies to those who book now.
  3. This is a smart time to buy inexpensive trip insurance so you can cancel and get your money back if things change before you depart.
  4. It’s not too early to start dreaming, planning, and booking for fall and winter trips!

Right now, it is a season of stillness, of staying close, of appreciating all that we have right in our own homes. It’s in our best interests to accept this temporary shift. We have a unique opportunity to be of service to one another in ways we maybe haven’t imagined before.

And just imagine how incredible it will feel, when the time is right, to stretch our wings, set off across oceans and mountains and miles, and make the whole wide world our home again.


I am sending up all of my prayers to you all for health, healing, happiness, and hope for you and your loved ones in the coming weeks and months! If you have any questions about your travel plans, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


– Priscilla


12 Responses

  1. Hello Priscilla, thanks for the information and enlightenment. My kids are big fan if traveling and they made me like it is much that I became the one who instigate a traveling now. The current world situation have put stop to one of our activities and of course traveling is one of them. It’s nice to know I will be able to book flights from now, and that’s just what I will do. Cheers 

    1. Thanks Benson. Yes I am on the edge of my seat right now. I can’t wait to be able to travel again. Yes you can book flights but there may not be many places you can go right now. However when this is over, I highly recommend working with a travel advisor. So many people were between a rock and a hard place when the virus upended the travel industry. Those who worked with a travel professional had the piece of mind that they didn’t have to navigate all the cancellation and refund policies all by themselves. 

      Visit my Facebook page. I will be doing a travel Q&A on the state of the travel industry soon. Like my page and get notified.

  2. Like you said here, it is a very sad time to be able to just sit at home and just not do anything because Ike you pointed out, I am just like you in that I really love to spend time travelling. If I hadn’t come through to read your post about this then I wouldn’t know that airlines are waving ticket prices or that tourist centers are adding freebies etc. I think it’s still a good time to get grooving in that direction.

    1. Yes indeed it is. There is no better time than the present to start planning a trip later this year or better yet 2021. If this thing drags out until mid summer, domestic travel may be the way to go for most. Visit Charleston SC! 

      Hey, I will be doing a travel Q&A on the state of the travel industry soon. Visit and like my page and get notified.

  3. Actually, this season has made us to realise that everything is possible in this world and the fact that we are inside right now makes us appreciate all those days we were outside and never grateful. To be honest, I really can’t wait to get back to normal daily activities. This is great and thanks so much for sharing here. I appreciate this post and God bless you for sharing here

    1. Hi Ella, I certainly agree. There are so many things we take for granted, such as our freedom of movement. However, during this time he do have the opportunity to make the best out of it and learn to spend quality time with our friends and family. And of course connect with our maker. This is what a call a divine interruption. Soon we will be able to travel again. So dont skip hope. Visit my Facebook page. I try to post encouraging content there.  I will be doing a travel Q&A on the state of the travel industry soon. Like my page and get notified. 

  4. Hi Priscilla,

    You’re right! The Covid-19 pandemic has definitely shattered the plans of many travellers and tourists across the world. We are all praying and hoping it comes to an end soon. There is indeed nothing like freedom, Alot of us had no idea how wonderful it is until this pandemic. Well, at least now, I’ll take your advice and look out for any special offers, travel packages and inexpensive travel insurance because I would like to go on a vacation after this whole pandemic is over. I’m pretty sure there will be a boom in the tourist industry after the pandemic because a lot of people would want to trave, and the desire to visit places they’ve always wanted to go will be stronger than ever before.

    1. Isanren, you’ve said a mouthful! There is nothing like freedom. I for one am so ready to take a trip when we get the green light. But I think domestic travel will be the most prudent thing soonest. But if you want to chat about it grab a complimentary trip planning consult. Its only 15 minutes https://calendly.com/cillatravel/15min

  5. Hi Priscilla,

    I am with you on your thoughts for the coming months relating to travel. We have not had a holiday for a few years and were “just” getting into the position where we could start to think about and plan a trip, but of course, the Pandemic has stopped that for now. Never mind I will think about where to go, plan and dream of the next trip.

    Health comes first and we must all realise that there are people who are suffering so your post is a great reminder to be grateful and to keep smiling.

    Thank you, stay safe


    1. Well Mike, you can still plan an look forward to a trip in the future. Planning is a great vacation’s best friend. For one thing, you can break your payments down to what’s reasonable and affordable. If you follow me on Facebook, you can find lots of little destination and travel ideas. 


  6. Thanks for such a reassuring post during these times, Priscilla. I think it’s important to not get too down and realise that this will eventually pass, and as you said, we can still look ahead and make plans even though we may have had to delay them or put the one’s we did have off.

    Great message!

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